ROSCO M68K SBC - 4-layer PCB
Author: "The Really Old-School Company Ltd"
Module description:
Featuring a 68030 32-bit processor running at 20MHz with on-die Memory Management Unit, 1MB RAM, 512KB ROM (Flash, with in-system programming capability; Expandable to 1MB) and advanced IO capabilities thanks to the on-board XR68C681 dual UART, the rosco_m68k Classic 68030 Edition is easy to build and lots of fun to hack on.
And with our open-source serial firmware, Easy68K-compatible IO and simple starter projects for your own code, the rosco_m68k is ready to run your programs just as soon as you've soldered it up!
IMPORTANT: Pictures of assembled PCBs are for illustration purposes only and are not part of the offer. This offer includes the bare PCB mentioned in the item title without any components.